Vedic Science
 Eternal knowledge for daily life

1. Sanjaya, the transmitter, said: seeing Arjuna full of compassion, his mind depressed, his eyes full of tears, Madhusudana, Krishna, spoke as follows.                                                                                    


Arjuna, a ksatrya, a Vedic warrior, had started worrying about the upcoming war. The war was a rather specific one because he had to fight, among other opponents, his own family members, his former teachers, and his friends. In other words, becau of his worrying, Arjuna had actually become a defeated person, a person who felt pityful toward others and therefore had become pityful himself. He had become a person who didn't want to execute hin natural inclination under the given circumstances, which was to engage in war. Instead of entering the war he preferred to be a so-called pacifist.

2. Krishna, God, said: My dear Arjuna, how is it you’ve become such a whiner? Your mentality has got nothing to do with the position of an Arya, a person who understands the value of life, a noble person. Your mentality only leads to you becoming an object of mockery.


Krishna explains Arjuna’s bewilderment and resultant whining would only lead to full degradation.

3. Oh Arjuna, do not give in tot his useless nonsense. Crack down upon your mental weakness and fight.


Krishna is being very clear to Arjuna about his mindset, although in a truly friendly and loving manner. While some may not immediately recognize Krishna’s manner of speech as loving, Krishna acts as a guide and provides desperately needed tough love to his bewildered friend.

4. Arjuna said: oh Krishna, killer of demons and other degenerates, how can I counteract the actions of people who are worthy of my worship?


As explained, Arjuna had to fight his family members, former teachers & friends, which he didn’t want to do. He considered already just the mere thought of it to be completely unacceptable. Because of his anxieties he wasn’t aware he was talking about future events, which in reality only take place in the present. He was like Sun Tzu, a passionate Chinese general who lived around 2600 years ago, according to the historical information. Sun Tzu concluded that all warfare is based upon deception, and he talked about false maneuvers, feigned attacks and deceiving creations. Because of his passionate nature Tzu also wasn’t aware deception only take place in ones own mind since managerial and political mental preferences are always illusory. Tzu mentally baked in the Sun, so to speak. And he, as far as the information is available, didn’t have God, Krishna, as his charioteer with which he had a dialogue.

5. It’s way better for me to become a beggar than to live at the cost of these great persons, who although engaged in worldly activities, are my superiors. If they are killed, everything will be tainted by blood.


Arjuna clearly was confused because of worldly considerations like relative good and evil.

6. Nor do we actually know what is better, being conquered by them or conquering them.


Arjuna’s confusion only increased, but as we will read he also entered an important turning point.

7. To be honest, I’m really lost and ask you what to do. Now I’m your disciple and a soul surrendered unto you. Please teach me.


Arjuna uses the Sanskrit word “shisyah” for “teaching” in the original Sanskrit verse, not “diksha”. The word “diksha” denotes a formal relationship and formal teachings. Shisyah is spiritual teaching based upon actual realisation and which can basically come from anyone who has actual spiritual knowledge. So spiritual teachings can either come from Krishna directly, or from His legitimate representative, a paramahamsa. Nevertheless, it always remains the case that only Krishna, God, can give one liberation. A bonafide representative of Krishna can only be inspiring for you to engage in spiritual life.

8. I can’t find a way to get rid of my grief, my suffering, even if I win a kingdom with sovereignty like one in heaven.


Arjuna felt the necessity to go on with lamenting and he describes his mindset to confirm his miserable position.